This is my final school magazine this is my friend as the main image and the photo is taken by me. The photo is been touched little by photo shop but not in significant changes, colour tone here would be gold, grey and black to give a good impression on how nice, fancy and posh. The skyline says “Learning is not always the key to success". This links to Blumler and Katz ‘personal identity’ by helping them find out more about themselves sometimes learning is not the only way they can be success, to pull them from thinking that learning is the key to everything. The masthead ‘SUCCUBUS’ is a female demon that comes into your dream, but in this case its school is feminine in French so I chose this heading and it sounded like ‘School bus’ plus school is full of dream not just good but also bad which could sway you into the wrong direction if you are too weak minded. The puff with the word girl in black with half the circle as white and boys in white and half the circle as black is to show the reader that both gender could read and not be offended by sexist, also its saying even thou a girl looks nice, pretty, sexy or very seductive they might not be nice in the inside where boy who looks rough, mean, weird or tough they might be good in the inside. This doesn’t mean all girl is bad but instead its trying to tell that don’t judge people from the outside, people would thinks that this is sexist but not this is what people would think right away when they are told to describe a boy or a girl, simply what would you think of a girl pretty, for boys probably strong, so its not being sexist.The tagline is just giving a chance for less popular kids to feel more important this is also called ‘personal identity’, this is telling that perfect don’t just come easily, but you have to make it. So she is giving tip. I use tip instead of help is because helping is like giving them a had and bring them through in your way not actually teaching them to be perfect in their own way, because being perfect is being just right for your self not just right for other.The tagline and masthead are in gold because they are the main things on the front cover. But the skyline are in grey because if you are depress you would be likely to like dark tone colour in stead of bright colour, this also means that the skyline would give them hope that if they are not good in learning they are still able to be success. Which link to Blumler and Katz ‘diversion’ and ‘personal identity’ for diversion it will helps them think that they are successful in they way they want to, and for personal identity it helps identify what they are looking for in life not what their parents are looking for them.
Some very intelligent encoding, Ryu. However, how is this preliminary task going to help you with your final production task?